tatiana macdonald

Immigration Paralegal / Spanish Interpreter

Tatiana, originally from Bogota, Colombia, has called Mississippi her cherished home for the last twenty years. She embarked on her journey in immigration casework at a non-profit organization, where she gained firsthand insight into the challenges faced by undocumented immigrants in the United States, particularly in Mississippi.

Driven by a desire to do more for the immigrant community, Tatiana transitioned to another non-profit after two years. There, she dedicated her time to helping immigrants assimilate into American life, educating them about their rights, and tirelessly seeking lawful relief to secure their legal status in the country.

With a track record of assisting hundreds of individuals, Tatiana's commitment to making a difference remained unwavering. Recognizing the substantial number of unaccompanied minors in the country, she redirected her focus to aiding these vulnerable children. At Catholic Charities, Tatiana worked closely with Hispanic youth, providing them with the necessary support and tools to thrive in their new environment.

The opportunity to join Elmore Litton Law Firm was a pivotal moment for Tatiana. Drawn to the firm's ethos of integrity and client-centric approach, she embraced the chance to contribute her expertise and passion to their team.

As the Senior Immigration Paralegal with over 15 years of experience, Tatiana's dedication to her work is palpable. In her role at Elmore Litton Law Firm, Tatiana specializes in immigration law, where she diligently assists clients in navigating the intricate legal landscape. Her day-to-day responsibilities encompass a myriad of tasks, from conducting thorough legal research to drafting meticulous visa applications, petitions, and document collection.

What Tatiana finds most rewarding about her work is the tangible impact she makes in people's lives. Guiding individuals through the complexities of immigration law brings her immense satisfaction, especially when witnessing the relief and joy on her clients' faces upon successful resolution.
Furthermore, Tatiana cherishes the opportunity to engage with diverse cultures daily, fostering an enriching environment that broadens her perspective. She takes pride in being part of a team committed to upholding principles of fairness, compassion, and equality in every immigration case they handle.