Sheyla Cantu-Meza
Paralegal / Spanish Interpreter

Sheyla, originally from Reynosa, Tamaulipas, Mexico, moved to the United States in 2005 with her mother and brother. When she was 7 years old and in second grade, Sheyla only knew the Spanish language. She has always been eager to learn and was determined to learn the English language. By the beginning of 3rd grade, she was fluent in English. Sheyla attended Morton High School where she graduated with Honors ranking top of her class.
Immediately after high school, Sheyla attended Hinds Community College (HCC) where she was a member of the Eagles Marching Band. Under the supervision of Shane Sprayberry whom gave Sheyla a full scholarship to attend HCC as a color-guard member. Sheyla graduated from HCC in May 2018 with an Associates Degree in Liberal Arts-Magna Cum Laude, with a concentration in Criminal Justice. Sheyla’s dream was to attend the prestigious Mississippi State University (MSU).
In Fall 2018, Sheyla was accepted into MSU. Sheyla moved to Starkville, MS to begin her study in Criminology but within a semester into the program, she realized she wanted to proceed something else. Sheyla started studying Psychology. Sheyla is within credited hours to graduate from MSU with her Bachelor’s in Psychology with a Criminology and Spanish minor.
Sheyla moved back to Morton, MS when a position was offered to her as a Human Resource Clerk at Koch Foods, INC. Within 3 months in the position, she was promoted to HR trainer. This position opened the ability to view the company in a different matter. At Koch Foods, Sheyla was the on-site hiring specialist. She saw about 20 people each night. She was trusted with each individual’s personal information and expected to reach out to employees to help assist in any need they may encounter. Koch Foods made her appreciate the hard labor that others may not notice. Koch Foods holds a special place in her heart.
Shortly after being promoted as HR Trainer at Koch Foods, Elmore Litton Law Firm reached out to see if she was interested in the position to work alongside Attorney Nathan H. Elmore. Due to her affable and integrous character, she became part of the Elmore Litton team where she currently specializes in SIJS, Guardianships, and Criminal matters.
When asked what she enjoyed most about her job, Sheyla replied, “Definitely being able to work alongside a group of people who are determined to help their clients accomplish their case no matter how much time it may take. Everyone at E&P has welcomed me with open arms and I’ve only been here since April 2021 and they make it feel like home.”
Sheyla currently resides in Morton, MS. She lives with her dog Jasper.